Famous Toastery is proud to announce a strong start to the second half of 2024 marked by newly-signed franchise agreements, an initial rollout of a fresh new aesthetic, and growing strategic partnerships.
In observance of the 23rd anniversary of September 11th, CR Fitness Holdings, the franchisee of Crunch Fitness, will once again host its annual 9/11 Stair Climb Challenge on Wednesday, September 11th.
Fazoli’s is kicking off the start of fall with three new limited-time entrees, Creamy Tortellini Bake, Three Meat Tortellini and the Spaghetti and Tortellini Pasta Duo.
Hand & Stone Massage and Facial Spa is proud to announce the launch of its public Learning Management System (LMS), a platform that manages educational lectures, training programs, and learning and development courses.